First things first, create your Space!!! If you have a place for that Barbie house, or that dog bed you can most certainly create a place for yourself. It doesn’t have to be a large area. It can even be a corner in your bedroom! Things to consider: – Traffic: choose an area that has… READ MORE
Buenos días! Si estás leyendo este post, has sido bendecido con un nuevo día. Demos gracias simplemente por estar aquí. Empieza tu día con agradecimiento y estando abierto a lo que él pueda traer consigo. Crear un ritual de la mañana que funciona para ti y comprometerte con él ayuda a crear equilibrio en tu… READ MORE
Rise and Shine! If you are reading this blog post you have been blessed with a new day. Let us take a moment to be thankful simply for being here. Begin by being grateful for a new day and be open to what it has to bring. Creating a morning ritual that works for you… READ MORE