El verdadero éxito es el hecho de que la necesidad de estar físicamente activa y saludable, nunca se me sale de la cabeza. Debo confesar que mi camino hacia un buen estado físico tiene ires y venires. Creo que así es para muchos otros. Pero había estado sumida en la inactividad y la pereza por… READ MORE
On how to Make your New Year Resolutions a Reality As 2016 comes to an end, it’s time to reflect on the goals and intentions that were created earlier this year. Take a moment and recall the resolutions that were set last New Year. Where those goals accomplished? If not, what was the reason? How… READ MORE
My entrance into the world of so-called “social problems” Must be with quiet laughter, or not at all. The hollow men of anger and bitterness The bountiful ladies of righteous degradation All must be left to a bygone age. And the purpose of history is to provide a receptacle For all those myths and oddments… READ MORE