Taking ownership of our place. I know, I know. You have a job, you pay your bills, you may even have a family with kids, and pets, and a car with great mileage. You feel all grown up. You are proud of all that, and yes, you should, they all sound like great accomplishments. It’s… READ MORE
How difficult it is for people to let go and trust, especially when it is something about their loved ones or their own projects. Why does this happen? Because we love and wish from the ego, from the infantile love of that child to whom nothing is denied. From being enamored but not from pure… READ MORE
Qué difícil se hace para el hombre soltar y confiar, más cuando se trata de personas a las que amamos o de nuestros proyectos. ¿Por qué sucede esto? Porque amamos y deseamos desde el ego, desde el amor infantil de aquel niño al que no se le niega nada, desde el enamoramiento y no desde… READ MORE
Fall is a time of change and new beginnings; out with the old in with the new. This is a time to get rid of junk or things that no longer serve us. Here we will draw our attention to getting rid of negative words or thoughts which in all actuality is similar to junk… READ MORE