Taking ownership of our place. I know, I know. You have a job, you pay your bills, you may even have a family with kids, and pets, and a car with great mileage. You feel all grown up. You are proud of all that, and yes, you should, they all sound like great accomplishments. It’s… READ MORE
On how to Make your New Year Resolutions a Reality As 2016 comes to an end, it’s time to reflect on the goals and intentions that were created earlier this year. Take a moment and recall the resolutions that were set last New Year. Where those goals accomplished? If not, what was the reason? How… READ MORE
How difficult it is for people to let go and trust, especially when it is something about their loved ones or their own projects. Why does this happen? Because we love and wish from the ego, from the infantile love of that child to whom nothing is denied. From being enamored but not from pure… READ MORE
The documentary about global warming, starring Leonardo DiCaprio. A great starting point to begin to understand our responsibility with planet Earth and the generations to come. “I refuse to condemn your generation and future generations to a planet that’s beyond fixing.” – President Barack Obama, June 25, 2013 Are you the only one who hasn’t… READ MORE
Our insights after week 1 of daily meditation: Creating Peace from the Inside Out. Pau: One week into the 21-day meditation challenge with Deepak Chopra and Oprah, I feel more connected with my inner self and my surroundings. I particularly enjoyed the meditation about making heart-to-heart connections, not only because of the nice reflection by… READ MORE
Nuestra experiencia después de una semana de meditación diaria: Creando Paz de Adentro hacia Afuera. Pau: Al completar la primera semana del reto de meditación de Deepak Chopra y Oprah, me siento más conectada conmigo misma y mis alrededores. Disfruté en particular de la meditación acerca de hacer conexiones de corazón a corazón, no sólo… READ MORE
Who has not found themselves fully awake, late at night, thoughts running through their heads and not letting them fall asleep? As life gets more complex and exciting, it is common to find it difficult to turn off the switch and get good rest. Some of the common, avoidable justifications for keeping the mind going… READ MORE
Quién no se ha encontrado alguna vez completamente despierto, muy tarde en la noche, pensamientos rondando por sus cabezas sin dejarlos dormirse? A medida que la vida se vuelve más compleja y emocionante, es común que se haga difícil apagar el switch y descansar. Algunas de las justificaciones comunes para dejar la mente prendida son:… READ MORE
First things first, create your Space!!! If you have a place for that Barbie house, or that dog bed you can most certainly create a place for yourself. It doesn’t have to be a large area. It can even be a corner in your bedroom! Things to consider: – Traffic: choose an area that has… READ MORE
Primero lo primero: crea tu espacio!!! Si tienes espacio para la casa de la Barbie o la cama del perro, sin duda puedes crea un lugar para ti mismo. No tiene que ser grande. Incluso puede ser una esquina de tu cuarto! Qué se debe tener en cuenta: – Tráfico: escoge un área con poco… READ MORE
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