Lucia’s experience becoming a good, old-fashioned Italian mom who feeds her baby pure deliciousness! James is now 9 months old and he has tried almost every food following the 3” day rule”. This means that I can start to teach him to eat everything, and teach him about good food at the same time. I… READ MORE
Poetical description of Janet’s love of dance. I dance to lose myself. To be out of my mind and into my body. To just be. When you dance all you’re thinking about is the moves and letting yourself go. Every dancer knows that if you are preoccupied with thoughts, worries and concerns, you are going… READ MORE
How difficult it is for people to let go and trust, especially when it is something about their loved ones or their own projects. Why does this happen? Because we love and wish from the ego, from the infantile love of that child to whom nothing is denied. From being enamored but not from pure… READ MORE
Qué difícil se hace para el hombre soltar y confiar, más cuando se trata de personas a las que amamos o de nuestros proyectos. ¿Por qué sucede esto? Porque amamos y deseamos desde el ego, desde el amor infantil de aquel niño al que no se le niega nada, desde el enamoramiento y no desde… READ MORE
Iniciar Mi Tía Antonia no fue fácil, teniendo en cuenta que la idea de ser pastelera y de tener un café abierto al público se había venido desarrollando en mi mente desde hacía muchos años. Siempre he sido amante de la celebración de los cumpleaños y de ahí nació mi inquietud acerca del componente que… READ MORE
Starting Mi Tía Antonia was not easy, considering that the idea of being a baker and of having a cafe open to the public had been developing in my mind for several years. I have always loved birthday celebrations and that’s how I got interested in the most essential element of such event: the cake…. READ MORE
Doulas are women, generally mothers, that accompany other mothers in their road to maternity, providing emotional and physical support. We also educate and inform them about physical changes during pregnancy and we provide well being confidence and support, without displacing the role of the father during the delivery. This facilitates natural birth, reducing the need… READ MORE
Las doulas somos mujeres, por lo general madres, que acompañamos a otras madres en su camino a la maternidad, brindándoles contención, apoyo físico y emocional. También las educamos e informamos acerca de sus cambios corporales en el embarazo y les proporcionamos bienestar, seguridad y soporte, sin desplazar el rol del padre durante el parto. Esto… READ MORE