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Yummy Healthy Baby Food for a Future Foodie
Lucia’s experience becoming a good, old-fashioned Italian mom who feeds her baby pure deliciousness! James is now 9 months old and he has tried almost every food following the 3” day rule”. This means that I can start to teach him to eat everything, and teach him about good food at the same time. I… READ MORE
Transformando su Cuerpo un “Tuck” a la Vez
Su experiencia con Ballet Barre me inspira! Debo admitir que no soy fan del Barre. No por nada más que por el hecho de sentir que es muy difícil para mí. Me gusta retarme, pero voy lentamente. Me asusta empezar algo demasiado complicado y fracasar. Y sin embargo, lo he intentado. Dos veces. Y lo… READ MORE
Transforming Her Body One Tuck at a Time
Her experience with Pure Barre is inspiring to me! I gotta say I am not a big fan of Barre. Not because of anything but the fact that I feel it is too tough for me. I try to challenge myself but my pace is a rather slow one. I’m almost afraid to jump into… READ MORE
Mi Camino hacia un Buen Estado Físico
El verdadero éxito es el hecho de que la necesidad de estar físicamente activa y saludable, nunca se me sale de la cabeza. Debo confesar que mi camino hacia un buen estado físico tiene ires y venires. Creo que así es para muchos otros. Pero había estado sumida en la inactividad y la pereza por… READ MORE
Why I Dance
Poetical description of Janet’s love of dance. I dance to lose myself. To be out of my mind and into my body. To just be. When you dance all you’re thinking about is the moves and letting yourself go. Every dancer knows that if you are preoccupied with thoughts, worries and concerns, you are going… READ MORE
My Personal Road to Fitness
The true success is the fact that the need to stay physically active and healthy never leaves my mind. I gotta confess my personal road to fitness is a cyclical one. I guess it is that way for many of us. But I had been in a lazy funk for quite some time and I… READ MORE
5 Tips para Empezar con las Resoluciones de Año Nuevo que ya Olvidaste!
Ya es Febrero! No esperes ni un segundo más para empezar a hacer tu resolución de estilo de vida saludable una realidad. Es Febrero y para la mayoría, Enero pasó volando! Si decidiste comprometerte con un estilo de vida saludable y a estar en forma en el 2017 y no has empezado, qué estás esperando?… READ MORE
5 Tips to get Started on that New Years Resolution you already forgot about!
It is already February! Don’t wait another second to start working on your fitness goal! It’s February already and for most of us January totally flew by! If you decided to commit to a new health and fitness lifestyle for 2017 and haven’t started, what’s the wait? Here are a few tips to turn those… READ MORE
Grow Up!
Taking ownership of our place. I know, I know. You have a job, you pay your bills, you may even have a family with kids, and pets, and a car with great mileage. You feel all grown up. You are proud of all that, and yes, you should, they all sound like great accomplishments. It’s… READ MORE
On how to Make your New Year Resolutions a Reality As 2016 comes to an end, it’s time to reflect on the goals and intentions that were created earlier this year. Take a moment and recall the resolutions that were set last New Year. Where those goals accomplished? If not, what was the reason? How… READ MORE
Top 5 Teacher Christmas Gifts!
A short and sweet guide for Christmas shopping for a teacher, firsthand from a teacher. ‘Tis the season to be shopping! Or at least it has been for me since Black Friday! If you’re a mom like me, then you know how important it is to show the teachers in your child’s life how much… READ MORE
Cómo el estar Obsesionada con mi Peso Casi me Mata
La historia que se repite cada día, en todas partes: las dietas para bajar de peso rápidamente no funcionan. Empecé con 7 libras y 11 onzas menos que el día anterior, gracias al pequeño gordito que había ya salido de la pancita. Muy bien, pensé. Esto, menos unas cuantas libras entre la placenta, el agua,… READ MORE
How Obsessing with my Weight Almost Killed Me
The story that repeats itself every day, everywhere: crash diets don’t work. They are dangerous. I started 7 lb and 11 oz lighter than the day before, thanks to that chubby little boy that was now out of my belly. Ok, I thought. Minus a few pounds of the placenta, water, blood…. Delivering would be… READ MORE
Mi Bebé Cumplió Un Año y se Transformó en un Pequeño Chef de Pizza Italiano
De cómo hacer una fiesta de cumpleaños increíble, divertida para niños y adultos, paso por paso. Nos encanta hacer fiestas de cumpleaños increíbles para nuestros hijos. Es la oportunidad de reunir a familiares y amigos cercanos y celebrar la vida de aquellos que amamos más. También nos gusta hacerlo porque los cumpleaños de ambos niños… READ MORE
My Baby Turned One and he Transformed into an Italian Little Pizza Chef
How to throw an awesome birthday party, step by step, fun for children and adults. We like to throw awesome birthday parties for our children. It is an opportunity to get the family and close friends together and celebrate the life of those we love the most. We also like doing it because both of… READ MORE
The Best We Can Do is to Let Go and Trust
How difficult it is for people to let go and trust, especially when it is something about their loved ones or their own projects. Why does this happen? Because we love and wish from the ego, from the infantile love of that child to whom nothing is denied. From being enamored but not from pure… READ MORE
Lo Mejor que Puedo Hacer es Soltar y Confiar
Qué difícil se hace para el hombre soltar y confiar, más cuando se trata de personas a las que amamos o de nuestros proyectos. ¿Por qué sucede esto? Porque amamos y deseamos desde el ego, desde el amor infantil de aquel niño al que no se le niega nada, desde el enamoramiento y no desde… READ MORE
Saying Goodbye to Breastfeeding
The emotional roller coaster of a mom as she closes her breastfeeding cycle. As my second son’s birthday approaches, my experience with breastfeeding also starts to come to an end. Seems arbitrary and in a way, it is. I had made a conscious commitment with both my children to do everything in my power to… READ MORE
Despidiéndome de la Lactancia Materna
La montaña rusa emocional de una madre que cierra su ciclo de lactancia materna. Se acerca el cumpleaños de mi segundo hijo y a la vez mi experiencia con la lactancia empieza a llegar a su fin. Parece una decisión arbitraria y en cierta forma lo es. Yo hice un compromiso con mis dos hijos… READ MORE
Before the Flood
The documentary about global warming, starring Leonardo DiCaprio. A great starting point to begin to understand our responsibility with planet Earth and the generations to come. “I refuse to condemn your generation and future generations to a planet that’s beyond fixing.” – President Barack Obama, June 25, 2013 Are you the only one who hasn’t… READ MORE
Deepak Chopra and Oprah’s Meditation Challenge: What Has Been Accomplished?
Our insights after week 1 of daily meditation: Creating Peace from the Inside Out. Pau: One week into the 21-day meditation challenge with Deepak Chopra and Oprah, I feel more connected with my inner self and my surroundings. I particularly enjoyed the meditation about making heart-to-heart connections, not only because of the nice reflection by… READ MORE
Experiencia de Meditación de Deepak Chopra y Oprah: Qué hemos logrado?
Nuestra experiencia después de una semana de meditación diaria: Creando Paz de Adentro hacia Afuera. Pau: Al completar la primera semana del reto de meditación de Deepak Chopra y Oprah, me siento más conectada conmigo misma y mis alrededores. Disfruté en particular de la meditación acerca de hacer conexiones de corazón a corazón, no sólo… READ MORE
Hoy Voté y Fue Fácil
De una madre, inmigrante, quien toma decisiones de crianza difíciles todos los días. Como padres, tomamos decisiones difíciles cada día. Desde qué marca de pañales usar para proteger esa piel suave y sensible del bebé, hasta escoger el preescolar adecuado, comprar orgánico versus no orgánico… es agotador. Y lo hacemos todos los días, todo el… READ MORE
I Voted Today and It Was Easy
From an immigrant, mother, who makes difficult parenting decisions every day. As parents, we make difficult decisions every day. From which brand of diapers to use to protect that soft, sensitive baby’s skin, to choosing the right preschool, to buy organic vs non-organic… it is almost exhausting. And we are doing it every single day,… READ MORE
Halloween, Fall, Pictures, Pictures, Pictures!!!
This is one of my favorite times of the year. The fall, by far my favorite season, is adorned with orange, yellow and brown colors that signify warmth to me. It is the prelude to Thanksgiving and the overall holiday season. It is when families start getting together to plan sumptuous meals and fun events…. READ MORE
Experiencing Motherhood
James is 5 months old and he is the cutest baby on earth. This is his mum speaking, of course. In Italy, we have this saying that “every cockroach is beautiful to its mum” but seriously James is special. He is my first child and I am already wondering if I will be as enchanted… READ MORE
Viviendo la Maternidad
James tiene 5 meses y es el bebé más lindo del mundo. Esta es su mamá escribiendo, claro está. En Italia tenemos un dicho que dice que “cada cucaracha es linda para su mamá” pero en realidad James es especial. Es mi primer bebé y ya me estoy preguntando si voy a estar tan encantada… READ MORE
The Importance of that Beauty Sleep
Who has not found themselves fully awake, late at night, thoughts running through their heads and not letting them fall asleep? As life gets more complex and exciting, it is common to find it difficult to turn off the switch and get good rest. Some of the common, avoidable justifications for keeping the mind going… READ MORE
La Importancia del Sueño de Belleza
Quién no se ha encontrado alguna vez completamente despierto, muy tarde en la noche, pensamientos rondando por sus cabezas sin dejarlos dormirse? A medida que la vida se vuelve más compleja y emocionante, es común que se haga difícil apagar el switch y descansar. Algunas de las justificaciones comunes para dejar la mente prendida son:… READ MORE
How to get started on a Meditation Practice
First things first, create your Space!!! If you have a place for that Barbie house, or that dog bed you can most certainly create a place for yourself. It doesn’t have to be a large area. It can even be a corner in your bedroom! Things to consider: – Traffic: choose an area that has… READ MORE
Cómo Empezar una Práctica de Meditación
Primero lo primero: crea tu espacio!!! Si tienes espacio para la casa de la Barbie o la cama del perro, sin duda puedes crea un lugar para ti mismo. No tiene que ser grande. Incluso puede ser una esquina de tu cuarto! Qué se debe tener en cuenta: – Tráfico: escoge un área con poco… READ MORE
Finding your 5 Non- Negotiables for a Balanced You
What does balance mean to you? Is it being able to dedicate time to your spouse and children, fit in a workout, provide a home cooked meal, stay up to date with the latest trends, and maintain a clean home? If you answered yes to the majority of these examples you’re not the only one… READ MORE
Estrés, Depresión y Ansiedad
Como proveedora de atención primaria, muchas veces tengo que aconsejar adultos jóvenes que vienen a mi consulta con problemas de “estrés”. Estos adultos jóvenes son a veces hasta de 18 años. Me siento y los escucho, y veo la preocupación en sus ojos, su falta de sueño, y su deseo por una respuesta y cura… READ MORE
Stress, Depression, and Anxiety
As a primary care provider, I often find myself counseling young adults who enter my office with a primary complaint of “stress.” These young adults can be as young as 18 years old. I sit and listen to them and observe the worry in their eyes, their lack of sleep, and their hope for an… READ MORE
Flamingo Gardens
This is a true gem in South Broward County. Easily accesible, Flamingo Gardens is located on Flamingo Rd, just south of I-595. Flamingo Gardens is a botanical garden originally founded by the Wrays in the 1920’s. It is big enough to ensure at least a couple of hours of entertainment, has numerous tropical plants which… READ MORE
De cómo nuestra energía afecta todo nuestro entorno
Es sabido que, por ser seres de energía, tenemos la habilidad de afectar nuestro entorno. Significa que nuestro estado de ánimo, nuestra postura, nuestras palabras, nuestros pensamientos, nuestras emociones están influenciando todo lo que está inmediatamente a nuestro alrededor. Esto crea una cadena de eventos que va mucho más allá de aquellos con los que… READ MORE
On how our energy affects everything around us
It is known that as beings of energy, we are able to affect our surroundings. That means that our mood, our posture, our words, our thoughts, our emotions are all influencing what is immediately around us. This phenomenon creates a chain of events that goes well beyond those which whom we interact. When I learned… READ MORE
Workout Buddy Wednesday
Today send a special thank you to your workout buddy for helping you achieve and maintain your goals. We all have that special friend who motivates us to go workout. Have you ever caught yourself saying, “If you go, I’ll go!!” Well I know I have, sometimes you need that extra push to get up… READ MORE
Mi Tía Antonia: la historia de un sueño empresarial hecho realidad!
Iniciar Mi Tía Antonia no fue fácil, teniendo en cuenta que la idea de ser pastelera y de tener un café abierto al público se había venido desarrollando en mi mente desde hacía muchos años. Siempre he sido amante de la celebración de los cumpleaños y de ahí nació mi inquietud acerca del componente que… READ MORE
Mi Tía Antonia: the story of an entrepreneurial dream come true!
Starting Mi Tía Antonia was not easy, considering that the idea of being a baker and of having a cafe open to the public had been developing in my mind for several years. I have always loved birthday celebrations and that’s how I got interested in the most essential element of such event: the cake…. READ MORE
Sin Límites
Mi entrada en el mundo de los llamados “problemas sociales” Debe ser de risa silenciosa, o ninguna. Los hombres huecos de la ira y la amargura Las damas con abundancia de virtusidad humillante Todos deben dejarse en el pasado. Y el propósito de la historia es proporcionar un receptáculo Para todos esos mitos y rarezas… READ MORE
My entrance into the world of so-called “social problems” Must be with quiet laughter, or not at all. The hollow men of anger and bitterness The bountiful ladies of righteous degradation All must be left to a bygone age. And the purpose of history is to provide a receptacle For all those myths and oddments… READ MORE
Rituales de la Mañana
Buenos días! Si estás leyendo este post, has sido bendecido con un nuevo día. Demos gracias simplemente por estar aquí. Empieza tu día con agradecimiento y estando abierto a lo que él pueda traer consigo. Crear un ritual de la mañana que funciona para ti y comprometerte con él ayuda a crear equilibrio en tu… READ MORE
Morning Rituals
Rise and Shine! If you are reading this blog post you have been blessed with a new day. Let us take a moment to be thankful simply for being here. Begin by being grateful for a new day and be open to what it has to bring. Creating a morning ritual that works for you… READ MORE
Una sesión de ejercicios pélvicos
Ejercicio de Kegel sustantivo un ejercicio para fortalecer los músculos del piso pélvico, en el que los músculos elevadores se aprietan y se contraen durante cinco segundos, luego se relajan durante cinco segundos, por un número de repeticiones. Se utilizan para tratar la incontinencia urinaria, o para prepararse o recuperarse del parto. Es difícil… READ MORE
A pelvic workout
Ke·gel ex·er·cise noun an exercise to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, in which the levator muscles are squeezed and held for five seconds, then released for five seconds, for a number of repetitions. They are used to treat urinary incontinence, or to prepare for or recover from childbirth. It is difficult to avoid getting… READ MORE
Es Hora de Tips de Belleza!
Últimamente he leído dos libros: The Beauty Detox por Kimberly Snyder y Healthy Happy Sexy por Katie Silcox (ambos muy buenos libros!) A continuación, algunos consejos que encontré en estos increíbles libros! Tip 1: Ten un ritual de belleza en las mañanas. Este debe incluir hidratarte con un vaso de agua de limón tibia a… READ MORE
Beauty Tips Time!
So lately, I’ve read two books: The Beauty Detox by Kimberly Snyder and Healthy Happy Sexy by Katie Silcox. (both great books!) Below are some tips I’ve discovered from these two amazing books! Tip 1: Have a morning ritual. This should include hydrating yourself with a cup of warm lemon water first thing in the morning. Listening to Positive Affirmations,… READ MORE
Review: The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents
The Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents By: Deepak Chopra. Here’s an easy read for Parents who want to set a spiritual foundation for their children early on. This book emphasizes on the book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” also written by Deepak Chopra. In this book for parents, you will be guided with… READ MORE
Being a Doula
Doulas are women, generally mothers, that accompany other mothers in their road to maternity, providing emotional and physical support. We also educate and inform them about physical changes during pregnancy and we provide well being confidence and support, without displacing the role of the father during the delivery. This facilitates natural birth, reducing the need… READ MORE
De cómo fui criticada por gorda
Es maravilloso el poder decir que después de vivir una vida muy simple en la que iba desarrollando un área específica a la vez (como el venir a un nuevo país y adaptarse a él, o el conseguir muy buenos trabajos y ser la mejor en ellos o el trazarse una meta de pérdida de… READ MORE
I can do it all to feel balanced
Once I got over the overwhelming task of taking on several different aspects of my life and be successful at all of them, I entered this current stage where I feel at ease. Where I found those things that I really like, those things I need to provide my family with to make them happy… READ MORE
On how I fell victim of fat shaming
It is great to be able to say that after living a simple life in which I was developing a specific area, one at a time (like coming into a new country and adapting to it, or getting awesome jobs and being the best at them or setting a weight loss goal and totally crushing… READ MORE
How a terrible blow dry saved my face
Just a few years ago when I had just turned 30, I visited a hair salon during my lunch break. I’ve always taken good care of my hair so one of my beauty must-dos is to get a blow dry weekly. I have even mastered the art of not touching my hair to make a… READ MORE
Wynwood Art District is a neighborhood in Miami which is filled with murals, art galleries, restaurants, bars, among other offerings. With everything to see within walking distance, it makes for a fun outing. We found a groupon for Paniq Room in Wynwood and made plans for that plus dinner and drinks. As photography aficionados, we… READ MORE
El ser doula
Las doulas somos mujeres, por lo general madres, que acompañamos a otras madres en su camino a la maternidad, brindándoles contención, apoyo físico y emocional. También las educamos e informamos acerca de sus cambios corporales en el embarazo y les proporcionamos bienestar, seguridad y soporte, sin desplazar el rol del padre durante el parto. Esto… READ MORE
Autumn cleaning detox part 1
Fall is a time of change and new beginnings; out with the old in with the new. This is a time to get rid of junk or things that no longer serve us. Here we will draw our attention to getting rid of negative words or thoughts which in all actuality is similar to junk… READ MORE
8th grade prom
So recently my 14-year-old son was getting ready for his 8th grade prom. Wow! Seems like yesterday he was just learning how to ride his bike and now he’s getting ready for high school! Incredible and scary all at the same time. I can’t believe I’m actually going to be the mother of a child… READ MORE