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5 Tips to get Started on that New Years Resolution you already forgot about!

5 Tips to get Started on that New Years Resolution you already forgot about!

It is already February! Don’t wait another second to start working on your fitness goal!

It’s February already and for most of us January totally flew by! If you decided to commit to a new health and fitness lifestyle for 2017 and haven’t started, what’s the wait? Here are a few tips to turn those goals into a reality:

  1. Write down your goals!

You are the author of your life! So grab a pen, paper, highlighter whatever makes you excited and start journaling. Buy a 2017 planner, and schedule your workouts for the week. No impromptus! Fit them in and commit! Period!!  Establishing a consistent routine is essential to success and meeting your goals!  Set your alarm on your smart phone, or add a reminder- just get it done, there’s no way around it. You got to put in the work to see the results. Getting involved in challenge groups is a great way to start!

  1. Prepare your meals!

This means breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks!  Use your journal to plan ahead. Prepared meals lead to healthy eating habits and slimmer waists. So start your menu now. When you visualize on paper what you eat, you are more inclined to make better food choices.

  1. Water!

Drink at least half your body weight in ounces and add an additional 12 ounces for every half hour your workout. Hydration keeps your organs healthy and your skin glowing. It also curbs appetite. You can add slices of lemon, cucumber, mint, berries, whatever you desire to make it fun and nutritious.

  1. Stay away from processed foods!

Foods that are found in wrappers or packages do not come from the earth and are filled with artificial ingredients and preservatives. These foods are notorious for causing high blood pressure, diabetes and other illnesses. Not only is the body affected but the mind as well. Mental health problems such as depression can be affected by a diet high in processed foods. These foods can also make you feel sluggish and lethargic and cause irregular sugar levels in your blood. Bottom line, clean eating is the way to go!!  Clean eating means you eat foods that come from nature. It’s that simple. This includes foods such as whole fruits, vegetables, and lean meats (like chicken and fish). Please stay away from red meat!

  1. Last but not least, have an accountability partner!

Don’t do this alone! Find a support partner who will help keep you motivated and check in on you. It can be a friend or a spouse. The more people who are involved the better. I often let others know when I’m doing a challenge or have new goals set for the month. This way I can count on my friends to check in and also respect any food choices I make.

Ta Dah! There you go, five simple ways to get started! Now GO GO GO!!!!



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